Universal System

The concept of a JRB Universal System (JRBUS) was released in 2023. It’s a system, with all the friction hitches tied in advance, and that we can use the system for any climbing method: JRB Doubled Stationary Rope Technique (DSRT), MRS/DRT, SRT, or JRB Hitch Climbing. There is a dedicated Playlist on the channel which covers the entire system: LINK to Playlist

System introduction and overview:

Introducing the JRB Universal Climbing System

Supporting Features

The system requires a Garda Hitch Footloop and Bridge; Click on links to see separate pages.

Shopping List for JRBUS

Besides the items needed for the Bridge and Garda Hitch Footloop, a JRBUS requires:

  1. Rope: JRB recommends at least 60 ft. Using DSRT (the preferred method), this will get us in a crotch up to 30ft high and using SRT, it will get us over 50. The choice is yours. See: Rope
  2. Cord: There are 6 friction hitches in the system. JRB constructed his with 6 ft each: 6×6 = 36ft of Cord. See: Cord
  3. Webbing: There are 2 footloops made of webbing. JRB used 6ft for each, but recommends 8ft each, or 16ft total. See the page on the Garda Hitch for webbing.
  4. Rappel Rings. JRB uses 4 “small” rappel rings. See: Shopping List


Part 1 is rigging it for DSRT:

Part 1: DSRT

Part 2 is understanding how we can add SRT on the Fly:

Adding SRT on the Fly

Part 3 is understanding why and how a 3rd Friction Hitch and a Pole can benefit us, even if Hitch climbing is not of interest. We can use it to transition into a single rope system, either to reposition at our current height, or to adjust our height, to get over the branch we are tied to.

Climb past a branch

The remainder of this page is IN PROGRESS.